Thursday, December 28, 2006

Almost Famous

We signed Drew and Ella up with a couple of modeling agencies a few months ago. We figured "Hey they're cute, they're twins, we live in the city - Why not?" So, ,we have gone on a few auditions. Huggies turned us down. A stock photo job passed us up (although we had a brief exciting moment when the photographer asked us if we wanted to take a job as a family - long story, but didn't work out). We had all but given up when we got a call about being in a book about twins. They booked us. I had to call "wardrobe" and was instructed on how to dress them. Just onezies, but still exciting.

So we arrive at the job. 1st surprise was that the photographer, Michelle, was actually a man! Then the art director showed me the layout of what they were shooting. It was the cover of a Harlequin Romance Novel!! Now, I have seen these many times before - Auntie Eva was an avid reader- but usually they featured Fabio or a kissing couple on the front! I was shocked! My cute little innocent babies on the cover of a romance novel! Well, heck it is $200 in the college fund (read: groceries) and some kind of fame. How many people do you know can say they were on the cover of a book? So, here is the pic that they will use. I will let you all know when it is printed. Thanks to modern technology, Drew has Ella's hair (or lack thereof) in the pic!

Surviving Christmas

Well, Christmas has come and gone. Our living room looks like a Toys R Us warehouse. We had a nice pre-Christmas Eve dinner with Mike's family. Two 2 year olds, two 1 yr olds, and two 6 mth olds - it was a little hectic - but lots of fun. Drew and Ella are getting into everything and keeping us on our toes!
After a 7+ hour trip, we finally made it to Mass on Saturday. We had a great/busy/quick weekend at home. Although they love their new toys, D&E weren't interested in opening presents. They would rather climb or bang on them! Uncle Mark gave them life preservers to go out on his boat this summer - we can't wait. Also, Nonnie and Papa are treating us all to a week at Lake Winnipesaukee!! Awesome.

Now that we are home we are dealing with the post-holiday illnesses. Whew! Drew has another ear infection, yup you read it right. Poor kid, this is his 4th one in 5 mths. His cough is awful. Ella has a high temp, but nothing else so far. She got up to 104! You could have fried an egg on her little scalp. So we are hunkering down and getting into all the toys.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Birthday Bash(es)

Well we have officially passed the one year mark. How to sum up a year? It was tough but rewarding, exhausting but thrilling, long but went by way too fast! You anticipate loving your kids, but who knew the love would be so overwhelming and all consuming? So, on to my little guys...
On their actual birthday we had some of their friends over for a little dinner and cupcakes. They played with Ryan and Julia for awhile, of course all four of them have to play with the same toy! They had pancakes for dinner - one of their favorite meals. Then they had carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese. They inhaled them!
On Saturday my parents came to NJ and we all went to G and Maria's house for a little family party. It was a lot of fun. They had "real" cupcakes this time and loved them. They ate them too fast to make a mess, although Ella smeared the frosting into her face for a laugh. I think the sugar got to them because they stayed up until 11 PM - good think Mike and I went out and left my parents to babysit! They figured out that as long as they were reading stories they wouldn't cry. I wish I had a video set up to see my dad reading Brown Bear over and over.

Their favorites right now:

Books, any book, preferably read over and over....
A magnet farm set that sings silly songs
Kissing each other and mirrors