Friday, February 26, 2010

When it Rains...err, Snows...

18 Inches of snow, and still going strong. Lucky for us the bus system was suspended and Mike was able to stay home with us today.

Tyler was up all night burning with fever. The kind of fever that when you touched him, your hand still felt hot 3 min later. I knew at 4 AM that I would need to take him to the Doctor again today.

The doctor's office wasn't plowed, and the doctor couldn't get in. They finally called us at noon and said to head in. Tyler screamed his way through his 2nd exam this week. His ears are better, but something is brewing somewhere. They sent us home with a new prescription. Also mentioned that Ella has had fevers at night, along with her persistent cough. Doctor said wasn't much they could do, but if her fever persisted or spiked during the day to call.

I arrived home to find Ella burning up on the couch. 102.7

To add insult to injury Drew's eye was filled with yellow pus that reappeared every 5 min after I wiped it clean.


So, Dad and the boys valiantly braved the snow storm to fill 3 fresh prescriptions.

Can we make it through the weekend?

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Oh, didn't I write anything today? After today, I should probably just read and re-read yesterdays post.

It was day 4 of the sickness from Hell. I have never seen my kids this sick. Heart breaking. Today we were also blessed with a snow storm that isn't expected to stop until tomorrow. Funny thing about kids - even though they are feverish and coughing up their internal organs, they still want to play out in the snow. And they continue to ask I think they are getting better because they now seem to have enough energy to torture each other instead of just laying on the couch.

So, we made cookies and we made these cool car race tracks. (Im so sorry, I can't find the link of where I found this idea)

I tried today, maybe not my hardest, but I tried. Even still, it was one of those days where even cookie making turns into a tear filled battle. Not exactly the vision I had when we started the fun. Maybe it's because not a one of us has slept well in 4 straight nights. Maybe it is because all of our brains have turned to mush from lack of fresh air.

Still, it is on these days that I love this blog the most. It helps me to focus on the best parts of the day, even a miserable one (today it was napping with Ella in my bed). It allows my mind to wander about a post I might write, pictures I should take - it gives me something to think about other than losing my mind.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ordinary Days

It seems this has been a hot topic lately...lots of talk and reading about ordinary days. The ones that aren't part of a vacation, or big family gathering, or a special trip. Ordinary days that are not birthdays, or holidays, or days that anything worth mentioning happens. A day that doesn't warrant the camera...unless you are of course me.

It is these days that make up the majority of our lives. Cuddles on the couch, squabbles while brushing teeth, and wrestling matches. Mispronounced words, dirty diapers, and lopsided pigtails. Im told these are the days Ill long for most when my children are grown.

Im trying to be conscious of it. A little harder after stuck inside for 3 straight days with sick kids, but still, I try.

This is my life. A life I chose with an open heart and so many great expectations.

My ordinary days are exceeding those expectations and filling my heart.

"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day, I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return."

quote found here

Monday, February 22, 2010


Im not the best at being pregnant. I know shocking, because I am the BEST at so many things, but alas...pregnancy is not one of them,

I don't glow (unless you count the sheen of my pregnancy acne). I don't one day "pop" a little belly that fits so adorably over my regular jeans. Nope. I expand and widen beginning the day I see that little plus sign on the drugstore test.

It seems the first trimester is the worst. Not only is my body freaking out in such unattractive ways, but every other part of me freaks as well. Im nauseaus all day, although thankfully not sick. Im exhausted. Im moody, Im grumpy, and my frustration is at an all time low (it isn't that high to begin with). I have no motivation to clean, do laundry, cook food, or otherwise take care of my house, my children, or myself. In pregnancies past, I lived in a little city that required walking everywhere. Looking back I realize how good the exercise and fresh air were. This go around I was banned from exercise (for a complication that has since corrected itself) and it only added to my grumpiness and sloth like self-image.

But now, here I am at 16 weeks - happier, more energetic, less sick, and nicer. I feel like a new person (and not just because of my wider hips and fatter A^%). Hopefully my kids and my husband notice.

And here's to hoping that the last trimester, in.the.dead.of.summer, isn't worse than the first.

Scenes from a Winter Weekend

Although it was finally in the 40's, there was still plenty of snow and cold cheeks. Perfect for a short visit to the zoo and lounging in front of the tv!

Friday, February 19, 2010


Can you believe that this is what 93 looks like?! Not only does she look amazing, but she is so energetic, happy, and adventurous. I love to hear about her thrift store finds, her favorite slots at Foxwoods, and all the people who make her smile.

She is truly an inspiration, even if she doesn't think so.

Happy Birthday Nana! We love you!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

.10 Short of $1

Some days I think I have it all together (at least before 7 PM, which is when I really start to lose it.)

"I can do anything, go anywhere!!"

"Another baby?! No problem!"

Then I open the dishwasher after it has completed it's cycle to find 3 full milk cups with the lids still on.

And I am humbled. As I should be.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Make a Wish

Im wishing for hikes in the woods, toes in the sand, and sun on my face.

Ella wishes she could make pancakes by herself.

Drew wishes he could go to Nonnie's house.

Tyler wishes for "else." (this could mean he is hungry and wants to eat something else, or he wants to watch something else on tv)

It is that time of year when the snow loses it's wonder, the cold is just too cold, and the house is just too small. Time for wishing away a season and looking forward to the next. Spring feels so close...but then again so many cooped up days away. I feel a Spring wish list coming on - day dreams about places to explore written on paper to make them just a little more tangible. Something, anything to get us through.

I know next week will be better - the area kids will be back to school and their invasion of our favorite indoor places will be over. We won't feel so trapped.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Id be lying if I said this kid wakes up happy, more like a bear - or worse, a lion! Although his bed head always makes the rest of us smile!

Id be lying if I said he is clean. In fact he is usually covered in marker, stamp ink, glue, and some combination of syrup and ketchup - as are my sink, light switches, tables and chairs.

Id be lying if I said I wanted to make these lion masks. We had just wrapped up a marathon of Valentine crafts and Ella came up with this "good idea." But, I went along with it, because who am I to stifle creative genius? They love them. They were worth it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Wish Granted

With the added bonus of dad staying home...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Coming?

Another forecast of lots of snow...will it arrive this time? Or will we we be staring out the window at gray skies and no flakes?

The kids are dying to go sledding, build snowmen, and eat lots of snow.

The neighborhood kids just want the chance to make fun of Tyler's flowered snow pants...ahh the curse of hand-me-downs!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Nature Explorers

Another nature center - perfect for exploring things in nature, even on cold days! This one had lots of displays and interactive activities and games for the kids. Drew's favorite - bird watching with binoculars.
I love how Tyler uses his binoculars, apparently he has another set of eyes on his forehead!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

RED again

See the post below to learn why we wear red.
Here is the best of this years "red" photo shoot.

Laughing is good for the heart, right? This outtake makes me laugh so hard!! Uhmm, Ella?

Friday, February 5, 2010


Today is wear red day to support heart health for women. My dear friend Kristina underwent open heart surgery 2 years ago that saved her life, allowed her son to continue to grow up with an awesome mom, and now will enable a new life to be born in a few months - all due to early detection and a routine exam.

Be healthy.

This pic is from last year because I can't find my camera cord to upload this year's pic...maybe a special weekend post is in order?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Inevitable

There are so many awesome parts of being a parent, far too many to mention. From the first smiles, to the tightest hugs, to watching your kids accomplish, well, anything.

But at some point you start to learn the toughest lessons of parenthood. The lesson that a parent doesn't know everything, that a parent can't solve everything, and that a parent can't protect from everything.

Eventually your perfect little baby will get a bloody nose, miss the winning catch, and have their heart broken. These little or big bumps will not make your baby (no matter how old) any less perfect, in fact they will only cause you to love them even more, to raise that pedestal a little higher. But they will remind you of your own inadequacies, of your own inabilities to make the world revolve around your princess.

It will break your heart.

You can only hope that your baby emerges on the other side stronger, smarter, wiser and ready to try again. You can only hope that you did your job right from the beginning and that they know they can always come to you for help.

And then you remind yourself that you may not be able to solve everything, but you will always love them and most times that is enough.

...the picture is Nana Vera, turning 93 next week, she has been a parent longer than anyone I know...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ready? I mean...Ready!!

Not so ready for this...

But oh so ready for this...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Due to arrive August 12, 2010...although Im going to do my best to have the birthday 8-9-10.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday Love

This being February and the month of L-O-V-E, why not share some of our loves every Monday?

Me:: Im loving the way Tyler talks, so deliberate and adorable. Im loving Pad Thai with lots of lime. Im loving crisp, clean sheets nestled under a big fluffy down comforter. Im loving bright blue sunny skies.

Ella:: She's loving her stuffed dog Lucy. She's loving carrying her twin baby dolls around in her trick-or-treat pumpkin. She's loving salami, pepperoni, and bologna (bring on the nitrates). She's loving her dad. She's loving the idea of Dance Class and the anticipation of the first class.

Drew:: He's loving dancing. He's loving mac & cheese. He's loving all things Peter Pan, except for the movie which scares him. He's loving the Ikea ball pit. He's loving talking to Nonnie and Caca on the computer, even though "saying goodbye makes me so sad."

Tyler:: He's loving his Daddy, especially when Mommy gets tough. He's loving all things Drew. He's loving Ella's flowered car seat. He's loving his football socks and his football Pjs. As always, he's loving mischief.