Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blizzard 2013

The Blizzard has come and gone. We were 4 days without power, although a little love in the form of a generator delivery saved us from freezing! Thanks Uncle Johnny, you are the best!
Head lamps, loads of board games, early bed times and playing in the snow got us through. The kids still aren't back to school, but they are hoping to be back for Valentines Day.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Storms a Coming

Bring on the blizzard - we are ready!! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pond Hockey 2013

The call came in from my brother a few months ago, "Is Mike in for this year's pond hockey tourney?"  After hearing stories of how much fun Matt had last year, and with hockey and skating becoming such a dominating element in our family...well, the answer was easy. And the excitement began.

Watching Daddy skate. Seeing cousins. Sleeping in a hotel. Swimming in the pool. Missing school. Traveling to NH was on all our minds through the Holidays and into the cold month of January. 

And cold it was. Temps hovered in the single digits for Daddy and Uncle Matts 2 games on Friday night and another 2 Saturday morning. We bundled up the best we could, stuffed warmers into our mittens and boots, and sipped warm cocoa in between games. The kids never complained about the cold, I guess warmed by the excitement and playing with cousins. 

 As far as the games go...well, the team played with heart and played well. Mike's skate broke just minutes into the first game - Agh! But, through some helpful locals he had it fixed in time to play Saturday morning. The kids were so excited that Daddy and Uncle Matt scored goals. Drew's eyes never left the ice and I think Mike's super dad status got bumped up to super hero that day.

See you next year!

Friday, February 1, 2013


I am very aware that the age of me dressing my kids cute is fleeting. I still pull rank on school days and lay out their clothes. Occassionally Ella wears me down with her tenacious bargaining and I give in to a gym outfit or two. But, other than school days and holidays, Im fighting a losing battle.  So it was, that I found us on the beach one afternoon. I took a million pictures of Colby in his cute little outfit and then the rest of the kids looked like they just rolled out of the Salvation Army on a $5 bag day. 
Can't win them all....