Thursday, August 19, 2010

Welcome Colby

Colby Gerard Dargan


6 lbs. 15 oz.

19.5 inches long

I know you have waited a long time for the update! Video today and birth story to come soon.


Nonnie said...

Every day I check the blog. Waiting, Waiting. Worth the wait. So. . . worth the wait. I need a kleenex.. Love you all so much.

Lauren . .. you are the bestest. Perfect.

kd said...

I love the video! Colby is adorable - I actually don't think he looks like his siblings though - we shall see if starts to soon! Hope you're all doing well :)

Mary said...

Lauren, this makes me want another one!!! Absolutely perfect.

Mary (Howard) Merrill

AuntieM said...

OMG I can't find my tissues! Uncle Johnny is going to kill me for spilling my tears on the keyboard! Ahhh! Words cannot say how we feel about our new addition to the family, only that, God Bless all of you! We love you, and can't wait till we meet our little guy in person! Great job Lauren & Mike! Our love to all of you! I can see his big brothers and his sister ready to protect him. xxoo

Shauna said...

You are officially Super Mom: Posting such a beautiful video... so soon after having a baby... with four little ones at home? You amaze me!


Mommy said...

Sobbing...That was beautiful. I am so happy for you, all of you. You are brilliant in every way. Cant wait to see you! Lots of love.