Thursday, February 3, 2011

One of the Good Ones

Fate and Fairfield U brought Julie and I together almost 15 years ago. I lucked out, in a big way, with my freshman year roommate.

Julie is one of those friends that you don't have to see everyday to feel close. We pick up right where we left off. Just as comfortable, just as fun. The icing on top? My entire family loves her. Julie and Mike have always gotten along so well, and he looks forward to seeing her as much as I do.
And our kids agree. They love Julie and ask for her everyday since her last visit. 

She is just one of the good ones. 


kdk said...

And I remember bonding with Julie leading up to and at your wedding! Loved her!

Hools said...

Oh my goodness, you're crazy!! I love you guys and am so lucky to have all 6 of you so close. We have so many great memories and I love that we're still at it. Tell the kids there are more play dates to come soon! I'm thinking petting zoo?? xoxo

Nonnie said...

Julie is the kind of friend that is just for "always". Wish she lived a little closer . . . I hear she is Ella's new best friend!! I think I am a little jealous.