Thursday, May 19, 2011

As the World Turns

Thanks to all of you who were pulling for my neighbor...keep it up!! He is still in critical condition, but stable and everyone is breathing a little easier today. 

And as one friend is struggling, another is ready to celebrate - because I guess that is how the world works. So, Im switching gears and remembering to savour all the beautiful moments to come. A New York City wedding. My parents in town and hotels...ohh a hotel. Im honored to be a part of my friend's wedding and I can't wait to have a night with my husband. I think weddings are the best date night ever :) 
Colby supervising the seamstress. This dress is TO. DIE. FOR!!! 


Anonymous said...

I love him! I love you, I love that you get some time for you and Mike! Have a great time! Auntie M

Nonnie said...

I love how you just make things work okay in your life. I love that you brought 4 kids to your friends bridal dress fitting and thought nothing of it (in Manhattan). I love that your friends don't mind either. I love that you can do anything, go anywhere . . . with 4 kids and just don't skip a beat. I love that you don't need anyone to help you, rescue you, answer for you. You just do it and make it look easy and just a day in the life. Oh . . . and I love the nippy in Colby's picture. Sometimes it just isn't easy. Hang in there my little momma. You are awesome. Love you more.

Monkey Business said...

Just to clarify...I did not bring all 4 kids to Kleinfield's Dress Shop in Manhatten :) I took one and Mike brought the other 3 into his office. And although I don't NEED help, Im learning, very slowly, that it doens't hurt to ask sometimes.
I love you mom & I love how you support & encourage me xoxo

Beth said...

See, I read your blog :-) Excited to have you part of this day as well :-)

kdk said...

Congrats to Beth! And I hope you have a great date night with Mike :)

Nonnie said...

Katie . . . Not sure if the "date night" happened. Nonnie slept in a bed with Ella next to Lauren, Mike and Colby! Captain slept with T bone and Drew. All I know is . . . we all were snoring! . . . and happy!!! Just love it when we are all together.