Monday, August 23, 2010

Passing the Time

From my lack of posts, it may seem as though I just don't have time, what with a newborn and all. But, that isn't the case. I think I feel totally content in my own little world, with my own little family - and haven't felt the need to reach out.

I know Colby is my last baby. Even if the urge should strike, it isn't going to happen. So, Im savoring him. Im soaking in every last drop of his newborn, wrinkly, grunting self. I don't offer to have other people hold him. No one else has changed his diaper or dressed him.

He is mine, you see. All mine.

I know it won't last. Soon he will be passed around like a football. He'll get bigger and resist being held. He'll be curious about what the other kids are doing and he will strain his little neck to look away from me.

So, instead of writing on here, or posting pictures, I sit on the couch and snuggle my little peanut. I drink in every moment that his little head rests perfectly under my chin. After the other kids are in bed I rescue him from his little cocoon/bassinet and let him curl his tiny body onto my chest.

It is heaven, I tell you - pure heaven.

So excuse my lack of posting. But rest assured that it isn't because Im running around like crazy breaking up fights, cleaning up potty training accidents, and climbing out from under a mountain of laundry - all while breast feeding and rocking baby Colby....

...Oh, wait...


Lani said...

He is beautiful:) COngratulations!

Nonnie said...

I know you. Maybe better than you think. I absolutely know that things are a little crazy on Walter Ave, that you are doing just fine,and the laundry can wait .. . and why type on a computer, updates, to all of us hungry people peeking into your beautiful little world when you could be snuggling with the cutest little chubby cheek, dimpled face in the world? We can wait.

You are amazing. You can make everything look easy with 4 babies.

Hug him tight tonight for me. Miss you.

jan said...

dear lauren, that baby boy is delicious! i could hardly wait to see him again! even if it's only on line! i cried as i watched your colby video! he is just the sweetest.all is looking well! everything CAN wait and cuddle him for me they are small for such a short time! love to all cousin jan

Kristina B. said...

You said it so perfectly. I totally understand where you are coming from. They are only little for what seems like a second. I don't mind longer rocking at bedtime and night time feedings knowing that this stage is so brief and probably the last. Enjoy it...savor it...take it all in while you can. Kisses to you all!