Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spinning Back

I walk into the black box of a room and give a little shiver. They keep it cold, real cold. Hopping onto a bike in the back of the room I settle as best I can onto the uncomfortable little seat. The lights dim until they are barely on and the music cranks up - way up.

My feet turn the pedals faster and faster and soon my thoughts outrace the one wheel. Im immediately transported back 7 years to the summer before I was married. A spinning devotee back then, I may forever associate the bike class with that summer. Out of grad school, a working girl, and planning the wedding of my dreams. I loved being engaged to be married. Full of hope & love, the world seemed ripe with possibilities.

I linger there, remembering and reliving, until the lights are back on and the music stops.

Off the bike, mopping up the sweat, I step out of the past - and I am immediately bombarded with my future.

4 kids come bounding out of the childcare room into my arms - full of hope, love and possibilities.


New Teach said...

it's hard to imagine you without kids. you look so...unencumbered! :)

Nonnie said...

When that door opens and they run to you... that's when the "work out" really begins! Don't know how you make it all look so easy. I'd be SPINNING without a bike!!

kdk said...

You have time to go to the gym!?