Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

It has been raining, pouring actually, for 3 days straight. The kind of rain that soaks your hair by the time you get from the house to the car. 
I can't find the box with the raincoats and rain boots. Im sure by the time I do, the sun will be back. Although it is September and school has started, Im not quite ready to give up on summer. We may be wearing jeans and sweatshirts today, but Im hoping for a few more days of shorts & tees to come. 
I need a gradual change, I think. 

The last time it rained my Dad gathered the kids and their umbrellas and went for a walk. The kids thought he was a superhero for the suggestion, I thought they were crazy. 
They were gone for 45 minutes, just long enough for me to worry.  
I snapped this picture from the comfort of the dry house with towels ready and a smile. 
Most times it is the simple things, a walk in the rain, that make the days special. 

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