Wednesday, April 7, 2010


..or as they call it, projects. They get so excited to do anything crafty, especially if it involves paint, glue, cutting or glitter. I love to prepare the project for 45 min and watch them take 5 min to complete it and leave the kitchen a mess of sticky glitter.

And then I try to think of people they can give the completed project to so I don't have to figure out where to put them.

The things we do for our kids :)

These were little Easter Baskets made from paper cups, paint, grass, baby chicks and ribbons. Cute and fun.


Hools said...

You are so creative! I even passed along your blog to my friend who is a new mom. I sold it as a place where she could steal ideas from. ha!

Monkey Business said...

Well, won't she be sorely disappointed!! There are so many spots on the web to find great ideas...she'll find them :) crafty crow is a good one