Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The soundtrack in our house/car is heavy on wild laughter, with an undercurrent of teasing and crying - but we try to sneak in music as much as we can.

One may request a song - Ella loves Eye of the Tiger - and the other will fight it with all their might, yes, usually Tyler, "TURN IT OFF!!" Followed by the equally loud, "TURN IT ON!!" Sometimes I turn the music up loud enough so that I can't hear anybody. That seems to work, but then I feel a little guilty...especially since Colby joined our traveling circus.

Other favorite songs...Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da, some Backyardigans tunes, Down by the Bay...Ella seems to like Katy Perry (yikes) and Drew likes a little TuPac (double yikes). We are all dabbling in a little country.

I can remember the soundtrack of my childhood - heavy on the Billy Joel, but really a mix of so many artists and genres. There was always music on, lifting the mood and inspiring random kitchen dancing. There was singing, humming, and whistling. Quite simply, it was good.

Id like to do the same for my children. But, I have to admit, sometimes the music has to go off. There is so much noise, so much of the day, that I often crave whatever silence I can find - even if it is only in the background.

1 comment:

Nonnie said...

Billy Joel, a little Simon and Garfunkle . . . I remember those days. Ahhh . . . music to soothe your soul. Oh and to DROWN out the crazy, wild, insane noise that happens in any house that has 3-4 kids in 3-4 years. Like mother, like daughter! My advice to you is . . . turn up the music as loud as you can and DANCE. and SING. or else just jump off the bridge now. OR . . . make popcorn. It always seemed to work for me. love you Babe. It is all worth it. I promise. Look at YOU. I maybe did something right. Was it the popcorn or the Billy Joel songs?????