Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We interrupt the normally scheduled post to bring you pictures of the. cutest. baby. ever.

Can you even stand it? Those cheeks. Those lips. Those eyes. Wowser!


The Wagner Family said...

Oh my goodness he is the cutest!

Anonymous said...

He is more than the cutest! he is the very, very cutest! I just want to squeeze those cheeks! Love, Auntie M

kd said...

From what I've heard...his cheeks look like mine did! Adorable.

Nonnie said...

My cheeks and his cheeks are way too far apart. Too many miles, too many days, too many missing kisses on that chubby little face from his Nonnie. He is just way too cute. No excuses . . . I'm coming!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lauren , love all the updates i haven't been on in a while the seasons are a changin" keep those photo's coming. He has the most squeezable cheeks on earth!! love and squeezes cousin jan