Thursday, March 12, 2009

Best Buddies

We had such an awesome day at the park last weekend. We began at the pancake house that just so happens to be across the street - as if it where designed for our family. Tyler napped, they played with a little left over snow, and they swung and slid and ran. We never even noticed that Mike and Ella were getting sun burned on their faces - it was that kind of day.

Ella and Drew found their way over to this Bocce Court. They sat there for the longest time. Mike was off chasing Tyler and I was close enough to know they were talking, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. These moments are happening so frequently now, but they still cause me to stop and watch. I love to watch them - brother and sister, twins, friends.

And then I have to disturb them to catch it with my camera. I can't resist.

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